Burp Reynolds


Ryan Reynolds

A group of aspiring young actors


Ten young actors are cherry-picked from world-famous drama school RADA.

One after the other, they are taken to dinner by celebrity superstar Ryan Reynolds.

The young actors use this time to grill him about what life is like at the top of the game.

In exchange for his frank answers, the students must burp Reynolds at the end of the meal. 

This will help him stay in shape and will give them, and the audience, a true insight into the pressures of fame.

I'll be honest and say that I had originally planned to cast Burt Reynolds but he is in his 80's now and I am not sure if he is really up for being manhandled by a group of starry-eyed twenty-somethings.

That sounds silly now that I have said it.


RADA is on the other side of town and I have a lot of work to get through.


Stop pretending that I am busy, get some botox and apply for the undergrad course.